Frequently asked questions and answers
We will answer the most frequently asked questions about our opening hours, various offers and prices, your visit and stay here, as well as vouchers and lost and found items.
What are the opening hours?
You can find the current opening hours here.
The end of the swimming time is 15 minutes before the park closes.
Do I have to book my visit in advance?
No, you can visit Alpamare without booking in advance. Depending on the number of visitors, there may be a queue at the entrance.
When is the best time to visit Alpamare?
We can’t give a general answer to this question, as it can vary from day to day. In general, evenings and weekdays are particularly recommended for a visit.
Are there special offers for groups, school groups, families and birthday children?
We have special prices for groups and school classes.
You can also take advantage of a Family daily ticket (2 adults + 2 children) for CHF 179.- available at the entrance cash desk.
Birthday children receive free admission up to their 16th birthday. An ID card must be presented at the entrance cash desk.
I have a 4-hour ticket but would prefer a daily ticket. Can I buy a supplement at the entrance?
Yes, you can buy the supplement for all 4-hour tickets spontaneously at the entrance cash desk. The surcharge on the day admission is CHF 3.00 for children and adults.
When does my 4-hour stay start?
The time starts from the entrance at the gate. The 4 hours also include the time for changing and showering. For short time overruns, there is a tolerance period of 15 minutes, which we do not charge. After that, our additional payment fees apply (each additional half hour CHF 3.-/adult and CHF 3.-/children).
Are there any age restrictions?
Children from the age of 12 are allowed to visit Alpamare without adult accompaniment.
With the exception of the Jungle Run (from 8 years), our slides have no age or size restrictions.
The wellness and fitness area as well as the brine pool are permitted from the age of 16.
7 of our 12 slides can be used together with a child.
Can I bring my own food?
Picnicking is not permitted in our restaurants or anywhere else in the building. On summer days, you are allowed to bring your own food and eat it on our lawn.
Is there a dress code?
All types of swimwear are permitted here, as long as the material is made of special swimwear and is not streetwear. We also offer various swimwear (including burkinis) for rent and sale.
What happens during a thunderstorm?
In the event of a thunderstorm, the outdoor pools, the toddler area and some of the slides will be temporarily closed for your safety. As soon as the thunderstorm has passed, all facilities will be reopened.
Can I take my buggy into the park or leave it there?
Yes, both are possible. However, space is limited, so please leave buggies and large items of luggage at home or in the vehicle if possible.
What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept Maestro, VISA, Mastercard, Post Finance, American Express, Twint, cash (CHF 1’000 notes and EUR 500 notes are not accepted) & Reka Checks (Reka Checks cannot be cumulated with discounts). Tickets can also be purchased in the onlineshop before the visit.
Do I need change to lock the lockers?
No, our lockers work with a wristband/chip which you will receive at the entrance.
Is there parking on site?
You will find free parking spaces directly in front of the building. More information on how to get here.
What is the wheelchair accessibility like?
There are reserved, wheelchair-accessible parking spaces in front of the entrance. The entrance area is accessible without steps and the path to the pools is barrier-free. Access to the pools is via steps with handrails. Detailed information on accessibility, tested by Pro Infirmis, can be found here.
How can I buy a voucher for Alpamare?
You can buy vouchers directly in our onlineshop and print them out at home. If you prefer a physical ticket or entrance voucher, you can fill in the form here and we will send you a voucher by post after prepayment. Vouchers can also be purchased directly on site at the entrance cash desk.
I have an expired voucher. How can I check if it is still valid?
Send us an e-mail with a photo of your voucher to alpamare@alpamare.ch and we will check its validity for you.
I have lost an item at Alpamare, what do I do now?
Send us an e-mail with your full address, telephone number, a description/photo of the lost item and the date of loss to alpamare@alpamare.ch and we will start looking for it.